Friday, October 6, 2023

How Did Steve Barbarich Reviews Inspired Better Products and Services

 There are lots of things that you can read online about a company. It could be positive and it could also be negative. But for Steven Barbarich, his startup didn’t have a good reception during its first months. Consumers were quick to assume in the Steve Barbarich reviews that he was running a scam. 

Many thought that he did everything on purpose, looking for a quick buck. So how did he manage to turn things around? These are some things that he did. 

Hire a PR Team 

The very first step that he did was to hire a PR team. This meant answering complaints and defending the company online. However, he also made it a point to not gaslight the customers when they are having problems with the products that they bought. Instead, he offered reassurance that they are either getting a refund or getting a replacement for the product that they’ve bought from the company. 

Create a Protocol for Addressing Customer Complaints

This helped in somewhat improving the overall reputation of Steve Barbarich and the first business that he started. But of course, this isn't everything. Some steps are needed to be done. 

He then created a protocol for addressing customer complaints. The complaints ranged from a minor issue in the packaging to a major issue in how the product runs. He had to deal with all of it because he needed to keep customers happy. 

In some cases, the repairs cost more than getting a new item. That added up to the cost but it was something that has to be done to recover from the bad reviews. 

Recently, Steve Barbarich came up with a live chat feature on his website that allowed customers not just to talk to a person but even with AI. This minimized the brunt of handling customer complaints. 

Extend Testing of New Products 

Another adjustment that he did was to extend the time testing the products. This meant hiring different testers that would act as a consumer. This proved to be a good move since the flaws were discovered early on. It also meant fewer complaints from the customers since the engineering team figured out what needs to be improved and what should be addressed immediately. 

Testing takes a lot of time because the testers also need to understand how the products work and how are the customers going to use the product. This way, they can mimic the usual and even the unusual things that a customer is going to do to a product. 

Hire Additional Engineers

Lastly, he made it a point to hire more engineers in the company. This means more cost on his part but it significantly reduced the flaws from the start. Initially, it was Steven Barbarich and a few young engineers who were working on the products. But after seeing different complaints, he understood the need for someone more experienced who can guide young engineers like him. 

Steve Barbarich made it possible to improve his reputation online by addressing the most important thing when you are selling products online. He made it possible to prioritize the customer experience. Plus, he made sure to make the necessary adjustments if he feels lost.